Thursday, August 14, 2008

How Far Have we come since January

A few different classes of actor in this town;
Group C...The Stars
Group B... those that hope to make a Modest Living
Group A...those who work for Free.

Which group are you in? Which group would you like to be in?

I'm barely hanging into group B. Group A makes that even harder. They work under "fiancial core", they work non union, they bark and moan that the leadership is fighting too hard for us. That's our dividing line, some want to bargain for more and others want to settle for less. AFTRA is a perfect example, they were willing to settle for less.

Now the people fighting for less are being backed by Sally Field, group C. Can you honestly say that Sally Fied has even a single idea what being a working class actor means. She probably hasn't worked for scale EVER. See the stars are fighting not for minimums but just to keep the show rolling so they can keep rolling in it!

Only 6000 actors have signed on supporting our unions negotiated pledge. To the Producers that looks like about 6 % of us care......Powerful.

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